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✨2020 Resolutions ✨

Work on posture I wanna do this because my posture sucks. I have walked around multiple times and have seen multiple members of the older generations truly hunched over. Honestly, the thought that I could become like that scares me. I think that having good posture could help prevent that. I also have read that having good posture helps your organs.

Go to the gym more Last year on my resolutions list, I had to go to the gym weekly. I now want to just say go to the gym more. I think that this allows people to have different interpretations. Last year, I feel like I went to the gym maybe less than 10 times. If I just say go to the gym more, I don’t have this pressure of having to go a certain day, a certain time, for however long and if I say just go to the gym more, I can fit into my schedule hopefully without having it just slipped through the cracks since it is up to my own interpretation of how often I can go.

Graduate. This is something I’m definitely gonna do. (Knock on wood.) I am set to graduate May 15 from Virginia tech. Graduation is something that’s easy that I know for sure that I can check off my list. Sometimes I think when you make a list and resolutions that if you don’t cross off all of them or if you can’t cross off any it does get disheartening so having some things on your list that you know for sure you can check off Chyna helps perk you up and give you the sense that you can’t accomplish what’s on your list.

Get a job I am graduating in May so I am hoping to have what my mom is calling big girl job after I graduate. I have been offered some jobs ;however, I have respectfully decline those because I didn’t see that that was a good fit for my future. I feel that I hopefully will get a job, whether that be my dream job or just a temporary job.

Save money Since I am graduating and about to begin my adult life within this new year after graduation, I feel like I truly need to save money. This can be for a vacation, a new house. At church last Sunday, my pastor was talking about resolutions. He said that the top two resolutions that majority of the population makes is save money and go to the gym more often/lose weight.

Invest in something I want to invest in something. Whether that be time, but I’m thinking more along the lines of monetary value. I want to potentially invest in stock or in something that will help make more money for me (since I am going to be graduating college and going into my adult life.)

Go to a new place I haven’t been I love traveling, so I want to go somewhere new! I am 20 years old and I only have less than 20 states I haven’t visited. I really want to do 50 states before I turn 50. Having said that, I really want to go abroad again.

Monthly pamper night One of my worst things is that I’m always on the go and I can’t seem to ever find rest. This was something I had on my 2019 resolution as well; however, it was a weekly pamper night. I feel like having a monthly payment per night is easier to do.

Don’t buy things I don’t need I am really bad to go out and buy the same thing multiple times. For example, I ran out of a highlighter and I went to the store and I didn’t know which one to get. So, I ended up buying three.

Marie condo every season I am the baby of my family. Everybody in my family always passes down their clothing and unwanted things to me. When I was in high school, my cousin Kelly actually gave me like four trash bags worth of clothes that she was going through. There was a phase in my life that I would go to my closet and put something out and I didn’t even know I owned it. As I’m getting older, I definitely know what my style is. I recently found a local mom-and-pop shop that gives back into the community, so I have started donating some of the things.

Listen to people more I am a very talkative person and I can talk to anybody-anytime, for however long. However, I feel like sometimes I have selective listening. Sometimes I feel like others don’t think I’m listening to them at all though. I feel like actively listening to people can help build better relationships.

Spend more time with people I love My family is starting to older. My mom has always told me since I was little you’re not promised the breath of tomorrow. She has really been saying that a lot towards the end of 2019 and I feel like that is something I wanna do. I know that people can get consumed with her every day life and social media.

Read more Obviously I’m a college student and read textbooks to pass my classes. I have collected books that I feel like I would want to read. I’ve read somewhere that the more you read the sharper your brain stays intact and other beneficial thanks. I would like to have time to read my books I collected.

Don’t hold as many grudges That’s plain and simple. I feel that if you’re mad and angry at somebody you just dwell in the past. I feel like I already kind a live by this, but I want to continue. Realize that every story has two sides!

Go to a concert When I was in high school, I used to go to a lot of concerts. Having said that, I don’t remember the last time I went to a concert and saw somebody that I wanted to see.

Make a new friend Being a business major we always talk about making connections and networking. I generally like to go out and meet new people most of the time. With that being said I feel like going out and meeting people and actually having a connection and being friends with them or two different things. Making a new friend will help me plant those routes and connections and hopefully create a friend for life.

Give more I want to get back to the community.

Have my first legal drink lol. I’m not explaining this.

Communicate well I need to know how to communicate well in the workplace.

Get 500 followers on @thelifeofsween First, if you made it to this part of my blog thank you. I’ve always wanted to have some type of influence on others and I feel like that my blog and my Instagram account has help with that. I always want to grow and continue my efforts so I feel like this is an easy way to communicate with others and to potentially help. Thank you to all my readers and followers. I hope this year allows us to grow together!



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