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Updated: Aug 27, 2019

Always ask questions.

Asking questions shows your supervisor that you are willing to learn. Questions show a growth mindset. In my Cornerstones of Entrepreneurship class, we discuss the yes and concept. To end negativity towards others, instead when collabing, reply with a yes and to have more ideas come to light. Asking questions, resembles the yes and concept. I have found that it is better to ask questions, then to complete a task incorrectly. Asking questions also serves as a learning tool for future endeavors.

Show up early

I recommend that if you show up five or ten minutes early you can become better prepared for your workday. This allows you to put your bag/ lunch away and be ready to do whatever the task given to you. I am in no way saying come a half hour early, but it’s true, the early bird gets the worm. Showing up early also shows good work ethic.

Talk with others (Network)

The whole point of an internship is to figure out what you like in a career. Talking with everybody you can, marks your place in said company. While I was networking with fellow co-workers, I met a guy who is a published author. Alongside with two girl interns in my cohort, we have helped market his new publishing agency. I am happy to say that he is about to publish a new book. Networking may lead down a road you like better than the one you're currently on. Also, never judge a book by its cover. (I’ll link the book when is gets on Amazon.)


When you work, you are exposed to a variety of people. Knowing your boundaries is key when dealing with diversification. People have different views and emotions. This summer, I worked in a male dominated field. It was interesting to see a different viewpoint, I wasn’ t yet exposed to. You have to be willing and able to try new things in order to be successful. My boyfriend once told me, “Once you become the smartest person in the room, you need to find a new room.” Branching out and trying new things, is the answer to growing and become a well-rounded person.

Kindness goes a long way

Dealing with the general public, you have to always be on your A game. No matter where you go, some people are nice, confused, mean or a variety of emotions. If you show somebody a certain side of you, they most likely will mirror your attitude. (This is not always true, but you are what you surround yourself with.) Consumers like to feel welcomed at a given establishment. Kindness shows a lot about your character to an organization you are working for.



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